Monday, September 05, 2005

School's In!

I started teaching today. I was a little nervous because I still don't feel as if I know what I am doing!
I wanted to see what the kids were like, but I also wanted to look like I knew what was going on (impossible). I am sure I was nothing like what a Czech teacher would have been. Well, what can I do?

Three of the classes went pretty well; I was pleased. One was like pulling teeth! Thankfully, the schedule is flexible, and I don't have to see all of the students tomorrow--in fact, I won't see some for a week, and others for two weeks! So I have time to get ready to make the class meetings better, now that I see how it is. I am sure though that it will improve from here.

I wasn't surprised, but somehow still amazed that the kids stand up when a teacher walks into the room (silent!), and they waited for me to tell them to sit down. That's wild. One student waited in the front of the room to tell me that the class was ready for its English lesson and to report to me who was absent, so I could record it in the class book. I had been told these kinds of things would happen, but experiencing them is something else entirely. A trip!

Tomorrow, my first class starts at 12:40, so that's a different kind of workday. A different kind of work week! I love my schedule.


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